Welcome to the Lite Pros Golf Club

Lite Pros News

The Lite Pros Golf Club of Greater Houston teed off at Pasadena Muni Golf Course this past weekend. Congratulations to James Malveaux on a Low Gross score of 78 and a three-way tie between Roosevelt Lee, Gleno Packer, and Mike Robinson, all shooting a low net score of 71.

Congratulations also go to the following on their Greenies:
Hole #2 Ron Rayford 9'3" 
Hole #9 Charles Robinson 11''0"
Hole #15 Gleno Packer 17'9"

The Lite Pros team, comprising Charles Robinson, James Malveaux, Sam Brown, and Bob Wesson, and sponsored by our golf club, participated in the PV Panther Backers Celebrity Golf Classic at Sterling Country Club last Monday.  They shot an impressive score of 59, securing a commendable 4th place.  Notably, James Malveaux's exceptional performance earned him the Closest-to-the-Pin award on one of the par three holes.  The overall feedback on the tournament was positive, with participants enjoying the well-organized event. 

If you desire to become a Lite Pro member, there is a 1-time lifetime membership fee of $25.  As long as members play at least 5 rounds within a calendar year, their membership remains active.  Members who do not play five rounds within a calendar year are automatically moved to "Inactive" status until 5 rounds are completed the subsequent year.  However, any inactive member and/or non-member can play as many rounds with Lite Pros as they want, with participation in weekly pot; however they are not eligible for Club Championship, Hole-in-One pot, nor End of Year awards/prizes (e.g., Charlie Sifford Award  and Dwight 'Lite Pro'  Baker Cup) until their membership status returns to "active" status.


Congratulations to Ryan Upshaw for his Hole -In-One  at Hole #8 during our round at Quail Valley.  Pictured with Ryan is our President (Curtis Jones) and Treasurer(Charles Wilson)